Friday, August 8, 2014

It's Friday!

“Smile and grin at the change all around, pick up my guitar and play,” Won’t Get Fooled Again, The Who.

As some of my recent posts have alluded to, I was not having the best week. I am not complaining nor do I blame anyone else. It was just a funk I was in. It happens. But I am not dwelling on it. That is not very Laura Bush. As poorly as I may have been feeling, there were people that showed me that it didn’t matter that I was down, but also showed me that there was no need to be that way. They showed me that Laura Bush is in all of us.
Earlier in the week when it seemed that everything was just blowing up in my face, one person was sending me texts that were helping get my mind off of things. He didn’t care what was going on, who was right, he only cared about me. He said the right things and made me laugh. He has his own things going on, but he still made sure I was Ok. How is that not something Laura Bush would do?

Yesterday I had another one of my marathon phone dates with a close friend. She has been through a lot the past week, but she listened to me. She heard me. She knows that I have trouble opening up, but she didn’t let that stop me. She, in the kindest way, made me open up. She knew that I needed more than just the offer to talk, I needed the effort. I opened up more than I usually do and it was much needed. She gave advice, we laughed, and she completely turned my day and mood around. And of course, she told me to never let it get as bad as I had and to call her anytime. Well this is a given, our 2 hour phone call didn’t even come close to some of our other long calls. Much like my friend the night before, she understood I needed her and she delivered. She helped in the way only she can. She showed me that Laura Bush kindness that I seek to see in the world.
Thursday nights are my BFF nights. Besides having the most understanding husband ever, she has two of the most loving children. Kids are too young to judge and are just pure. Her kids love me with the type of unconditional love only kids can offer. Neither one cares what is going on in my life, they just want me there. They just want to see me, talk to me, and hug me. If ever in a bad mood, spend 10 minutes with those two kids and you will definitely feel better.

So today is a new day. A new day to realize that things really aren’t that bad. A new day to ask, what would Laura Bush do?
Author’s Note: I couldn’t think of a lyric to use today, so figured I would just go with my favorite band.

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